Cutting Edge Drone Technology
Drone Aerial Tracking & Point to Point Filming
The use of drones in aerial tracking enables safe monitoring in hard-to-reach locations such as oil refineries and gas pipelines. This enables commercial enterprises to protect both their staff and their environment. Our emergency services can also make use of drone aerial tracking facilitating rapid response and reducing risk to life. the acquisition of targets in warfare is also achieved through drone aerial tracking.
Commercial Applications
Drone aerial tracking can monitor hard-to-reach locations and track facilities and situations. In oil and gas refineries and pipelines, it is essential to communicate possible hazards and notify threatening conditions. Health and safety alongside
disaster prevention is facilitated by drone aerial tracking.
Oil and Gas Refineries
Increased Safety in Hazardous Environments
Prevention of Disasters
Monitoring of Potential Hazards
Public Sector Applications
Drones have transformed the way that the police work giving them the capability to track suspects and deploy resources ensuring rapid response in emergency situations. Forest fires can also be tracked safely using drones enabling fire and rescue service
to send teams to the right location.
Tracking of Criminals
Crowd Control and Riot Capability
Use in Military Target Acquisitions
Monitoring of Forest Fires and Emergency Situations
Useful Information